Workplace Productivity Training

Many organisations are concerned about “Return on Investment” (ROI) but often deflecting the
“Return on Time”. Unnecessary meetings, conventional ways of doing things, and a high-stress
work environment all lead to a reduction in productivity, staff ineffectiveness, and extreme stress.
The need for continuous improvement to finetune and speed up our work processes has become
even more imperative in the new normal which is face-paced and ever-changing. We need to better
manage our tasks, beat procrastination and raise our productivity.
In this power-packed 2- hour Lunch & Learn, you will discover the importance and need for
productivity, be equipped with time-hacks and procrastination busters to help you pump up your
speed of doing things to optimise your Return on Time.

  • Understand the need for productivity and its continuous improvement.
  • Learn simple time-hacks and procrastination busters to speed up your pace of accomplishing
    your tasks.
  • Be equipped with effective time-management frameworks to help you continuously keep up
    with the changing pace of work and life.