Team Building Workshops

Today’s workforce and marketplace is becoming more diversified in terms of different generations,
gender, cultures and races working together. Understanding and respecting other cultures of
colleagues and customs are essential to the success of any organisation.
Through this workshop, you will gain a deeper understanding of why people from different
generations, countries and background behave the way they do. You will also be equipped with
practical tips and techniques on how to connect effectively with them.
With better leveraging on one another’s differences and strengths, you can contribute greatly to
building a high-performance team for your organisation.

  • Be able to identify and connect with people born in different generations compared with your
    own generation.
  • Act more on the principle of valuing the person.
  • Actively adapt own communication and behaviour to the individuals you work with.
  • Communicate better with colleagues from different generations.
  • Work more effectively together.
  • Enjoy better quality of relationships at work.